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I find my work as a soft tissue therapist extremely rewarding. Seeing the improvement in you through increasing your range of movement, alleviating your discomfort or pain and working with you towards your sporting or mobility goals is wonderful. Please feel free to have a look at what previous clients have said about their experiences with me and get in touch to see how I can help you.

In preparing to cycle 980 miles in 9 days at the age of 70, Caroline gave me thorough assessments and advised actions that I could be taking to protect myself from the likely strains of this challenge. Having successfully completed the challenge without any adverse effects, Caroline was then concerned to check me over just to ensure there were no hidden issues.


Following a recent walking accident, Caroline established the extent of the damage to soft tissue in my arm and shoulder, then provided excellent advice on how to regain my fitness. Thank you Caroline.

Steve - cyclist

I have visited Caroline following a road accident where I was hit by a cyclist. The session I had made such a difference and worked straight away like magic! I felt so much better that I slept all night through.

The next day I was able to walk much better. The results are amazing and I would definitely recommend her to other people.

Nermine - office worker

Once the treatment had finished I felt a really good looseness in my shoulders. It was as if someone had injected WD40 in.


I felt you had a very good connection and you were very natural at finding just the right points to exert pressure. Thanks heaps, I am appreciative and happy.

Chris - tree surgeon

I suffer with my lower back due

to work and general tension in my shoulders & upper body. I always feel totally relaxed and

far more comfortable after the massage than when I arrived

Louise - professional cleaner

You have magical hands I think. I ran efforts yesterday at 50% of speed just like the advice you gave me. Feels like I have a new pair of legs today.

Robin - runner

I have suffered with back pain for 13 years after a serious RTA. The first time I saw Caroline she was very thorough when giving me an initial assessment. I have say I feel she really knows her stuff.


The first massage released so much stiffness and pain in my legs and joints. The second time we worked on the areas I was experiencing most of the pain. That evening I had the best nights sleep in ages and woke feeling great, my movement so much more improved.

Hannah - driving instructor

Right after treatment today, I felt wonderful!. Physically I felt great, as though everything was working as it should be and really well together. My neck feels REALLY mobile and so do my shoulders, I can't wait till Thursday and climbing!!!

Merri - climber

Thanks to a life sat in front of laptops I've developed painful upper back and neck issues. Caroline did a great job at relieving the pain and equipping me with the knowledge of specific stretches to help me help myself. Having visited many sports masseuses over the years, I have to say that Carolines depth of knowledge and the techniques she employed were way beyond what I've experienced before...guess that's the difference a level 5 training and qualification makes!.

Mark - office worker

Gemma - marathon runner

Thanks for the massage today and treating my troublesome hamstrings and for identifying that the problem is exacerbated by other areas. I have noticed a massive difference out running; far less pain and far more flexibility. I can now get up hills again. I will certainly be booking in for monthly massages from here on in.

Rachel - ultra marathon runner

I slept like a baby last night, no tossing and turning and I slept all night and that hasn't happened in a while.

Sharon - coffee shop assistant

I have suffered with lower back pain for a few years now so thought it time to seek help. I came away feeling much improved and appreciate all your help yesterday, it has given me some hope. Stretching exercises done this morning, back not feeling too sore.

Robert - warehouse manager

Thank you so much for my lovely massage. I'm still floating!. My back feels amazing.

Cally - triathlete

Caroline helped me tremendously in just one visit. I was visiting from the United States, doing a 8 day walk through the Cotswolds. She treated a hamstring injury, allowing me to continue my walk pain free. She also provided a set of exercises that have enabled me to steadily heal.

Scott - hiker

Thank you very much for the fabulous sports massage and great advice yesterday. My legs feel great. I felt very relaxed after I left you and did some stretches today. I feel more flexible already.

Steffi - nursery school assistant

Thanks for yesterday - I was really amazed at how much more flexibility I had afterwards.

Rob - office worker

Caroline is not a masseuse - she is a magician! I booked a massage before the London Marathon and went into the race feeling toned and ready to run. I also had a massage the day afterwards and found this greatly reduced my aches and pains, and it definitely sped up my recovery. I think I would have had a very different race had it not been Caroline's expert touch!


Gemma - marathon runner

Caroline's knowledge of the body & how to ease and coax muscles back to normal is truly impressive. She is also a friendly, reassuring and lovely person. I would recommend her to anyone.

Tracey - retired property developer

I visit Caroline for treatment regularly every month and have been visiting for about a year. Before I visited her I could hardly walk and was in tremendous pain 24/7. I suffer with a chronic back problem. Her treatment has really helped me. Previously I went to NHSPhysio who did treatment that had no effect whatsoever. I felt totally in despair and depressed. I was sceptical to think Caroline would help me but Wow. After even the very first treatment I felt amazing. Pain was much less and I was able to move. I have been suffering for 33 years since the birth of my youngest child and it had gotten worse and worse.


Visiting Caroline has been a life saver to me and I am more mobile. I feel stronger now too. I have recommended her to family and friends and thoroughly recommend her to all seeking pain relief especially.

Lianne - Airbnb property owner

Caroline was very professional & ensured that she had a thorough knowledge of my problem & any relevant history. The massage I received was really good & helped alleviate the issues. She also gave me some everises that are proving helpful. I would strongly recommend Caroline.

Hilary - conservationist

I was experiencing a lupus related arthritis flare which jumped from joint to joint causing pain swelling and bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. I needed to find someone who was willing to treat me and to understand my condition. 


As soon as I met Caroline, I felt confident. She is both kind and empathic, highly skilled in her ability to get to the root of the problem, as well as wanting to learn and enhance her knowledge.


Each treatment session was enormously beneficial with regard to range of movement (neck, wrists, knee) and reduction in level of pain.


I felt looked after. I know where to find help when symptoms return. This is very reassuring for someone with a chronic condition. 


Thank you so much Caroline!

Angela - occupational therapist

Caroline has excellent knowledge, skill and professionalism. Her infection control practice inspires absolute confidence in me when I visit. Her treatment and advice re self-management and care comes with compassion and an intuition of the problem.

Since starting treatment with Caroline she has enabled me to carry on with work and hobbies without the back pain I was suffering from for years. The exercises and emphasis and the work I need to do has really helped. I now just visit for an 'M.O.T' (usually after a bit of heavy gardening or when I have lapsed with exercises/stretches!).

Izzy - healthcare worker

Caroline has a wealth of knowledge and took the time to understand the issue I was facing. I had been to the hospital for numerous scans and tests and the medical professional were not able to source the root of the problem. So I began a course of treatment with Caroline and within a fortnight I saw a huge improvement in my symptoms and I am now pain free.


Caroline provided me with exercises and ideas to help prevent the pain recurring. I would highly recommend her to everyone.



Alison - teacher

After over 2 years of successful chemotherapy for stage 4 bowel cancer, interrupted only by numerous hospital procedures, various parts of my body (and mind) had become stagnant due to pharmaceutical invasion, surgery and inactivity. Routine, daily chores and activities were troublesome or painful at best, and impossible at worst.

My children paved the way for soft tissue therapy with Caroline to become a key part of the rehab programme and I have not looked back! Based on information supportively provided by my oncology team, Caroline was able to focus on the parts of my body which had been adversely affected, and my 5 sessions to date have restored an uplifting degree of pre-diagnosis physical normality, which seemed unachievable a few months ago. This has prompted a corresponding improvement in mental health, allowing me to face and absorb further oncology treatments with the knowledge that side and after effects can be addressed!

As treatment continues to prevent a significant resurrection of dangerous tumours, I shall not hesitate to return to Caroline for further therapy to combat the inevitable side effects.


Martyn - retired

Visiting the Cotswolds from Lincolnshire for a few days 'change of scenery' was accompanied by a sore lower back and aches in my hip replacement muscles. I saw Caroline's business page online and was delighted to find she could fit me in during my stay. I'm glad she could, as not only did she seriously reduce the cramping I was feeling, but also explained why and gave me advice on how to self-help afterwards. I only regret that I don't live close enough to gain her help regularly. Thoroughly professional and definitely up there with the best practitioners I have had the fortune to receive help from. Rating: Excellent

Michael - retired

Thank you so much to Caroline for getting me ship shape for a 24 hour, 54 mile, charity trek in Scotland. I suffer from ongoing problems with sciatica and then, during training, encountered an Achilles injury. Caroline’s expert knowledge got to the root of the issue and saw me complete the challenge with no further injuries or problems. She comes highly recommend by a slightly broken farmer!!

James - farmer 

I went to see Caroline after suffering sleepless nights with an ever worsening shoulder injury, which I wish Id had her fix months ago. I was unsure of what results to expect as you never really know what is possible.

Caroline's knowledge and expertise had me feeling so much better after just one session,. After three sessions I would say I'm almost there, I'm now strengthening the area with the excellent exercise plans you receive and fully expect to be 100% fixed fairly soon.
I could hardly pick up a cup of tea when I first contacted Caroline, now I'm looking forward to getting back on the golf course.

David - truck driver

Had a shoulder injury which was really painful…My girlfriend said I should give her a call and make a appointment,being a little dubious I was so glad I did.she truly has healing hands and so glad I made the effort….and now she is on my Christmas card list……well worth it….

Ozzie - truck driver

I have Motor Neurone Disease, a fatal disease with no cure. Muscles stop receiving proper messages from the brain. Initially this means unexpected muscle spasms and pain and then eventually means the muscles no longer work, gradually stiffen and then wither away. Caroline has been amazing, initially she was able to reduce the frequency of spasms and so reduce pain. Subsequently she has helped me by reducing muscle stiffness and as my muscles wither away she helps by keeping the muscles more supple and comfortable. MND affects everyone differently but I would definitely say that regular massage treatments from Caroline has improved my quality of life. I have suffered less pain and believe that massage has extended my mobility, thank you Caroline.

Bryan - retired 

THANK YOU , Caroline!

After suffering agonising shoulder pain for several weeks, a friend recommended Caroline. I am so grateful for that recommendation!

Caroline is lovely and instantly made me feel at ease. She quickly found the cause of the problem and said that 6-8 sessions should cure it. Spot on! Seven treatments later, no pain and the knowledge and exercises to avoid a reoccurrence.

She has a high level of knowledge and skills with endless empathy. I can't thank her enough.


Rose - teacher 

I sought Caroline for my first ever lymphatic massage - it was both relaxing and fascinating to learn about. Caroline's professionalism and depth of knowledge made me feel in very safe hands. After our session I felt great - less puffy, less sluggish and generally lighter in myself. Can wholeheartedly recommend and will be going back monthly!

Chrissy - reflexologist

When an orthopaedic surgeon told me that it was essential to reduce the lymphoedema in my legs before a hip replacement due to the infection risk, I was pretty despondent , as my legs were both huge and I had no idea how long it would take to get them to an acceptable level or even if that was possible.

Caroline could not have been more helpful or more engaged in thinking of small things which would aid the effectiveness of her Manual Lymphoedema Massage and help move me towards an operation. She took regular measurements and photographs and within a month of my first treatment the results were so good I was able to send her charts to the Consultant who immediately agreed that I could now go on a ‘standby’ list. In addition, the continuing progress has also reduced discomfort and improved mobility and my

only regret is that I didn’t find Caroline much sooner, she has been an absolute star and puts her heart and soul into helping her clients.

Penny - retired

Just a quick note to send a big “THANKS” for your support and for the massage treatments for my back and leg pain. The improvement has been remarkable – especially the relief in my lower back. In addition to the massages, the follow-up exercises have allowed me to actually access our stairs with a lot more confidence than I have felt for ages.


You have given me hope that I might actually be able to stop my pain relief medicine – fingers crossed!


Again, many thanks for your kindness and the amazing results.


Lee - retired

Now been seeing Caroline for over 2 years and can honestly say - don't just go when you are in pain or needing treatment, go for fascia release or lymph drainage too - your body, soul and mind will thank you for it. 


You have magic hands and I always leave your rooms feeling lighter and brighter, thanks Caroline


Bev - travel agent

That was the best massage! I felt like I was floating for about an hour!!

Louise - police special

Eddy - Lawyer

Engaging Caroline for Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage (MLD) and The Perrin Technique (TPT) was a real turning point in my recovery from long covid. I began treatment as I was emerging from a particularly difficult period and the initial 12-week course of sessions helped me get – quite literally – back on my feet after around 18 months of being largely bedbound. I am now about 8 months in and continuing to see the benefits snowball. My fatigue, pain, nausea and headaches have all slowly reduced and I’ve been able to start reintroducing the activities that I love. I’ll be forever grateful to Caroline for the integral part she has played in my healing journey. 
Caroline is incredibly knowledgeable in her field. Her wisdom and expertise impressed me from the get-go and really made me feel like I was in safe hands and being well-looked after. Each treatment has been specifically tailored to address my (often ever-changing) symptom profile and my sessions have comprised a comprehensive blend of Myofascial Release Therapy and CranioSacral Therapy as well as MLD and TPT. What’s more, Caroline’s insight really extends beyond the massage table. Throughout my recovery she has offered additional advice and support with regards to such things as lifestyle measures, physiotherapy, pain relief and pacing, all of which have been invaluable. She has called upon her extensive network of other healthcare professionals to help answer my queries where needed, including reaching out to an acupuncturist, a functional medicine practitioner and even Dr Perrin himself. She takes a truly holistic approach to healing and this has been reflected in my recovery as so many aspects of my health and wellbeing have improved.
The best thing(s) about Caroline? She’s so, incredibly generous with her time and expertise and really goes the extra mile (and beyond!) to support you in all aspects of your healing journey. She is very warm and approachable and makes you feel completely safe and at ease in her care. Her passion for her work is truly palpable and it’s been a complete joy to work with her.
P.S. Did I mention that her treatments are the most relaxing thing EVER?

Caroline Whittome Soft Tissue Therapy

01451 822 798


5 Dikler Close

Bourton-On-The-Water, Cheltenham GL54 2PS


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